Thursday, February 17, 2011

Too Cute For Words

Most people that know me know that I LOVE Ferrets. I use to have three and they will forever hold a very special place in my heart.

Some days I feel the need to fill my day with ferrets. One particular day I stumbled open this cute picture of some baby Black Footed Ferrets that were born at the Smithsonian’s National Zoo’s conservation facility. It seriously melts my heart every time I look at it.

The Smithsonian Zoo has a flickr page that is full of beautiful photos of their animals. You can check out more ferret and other animals pictures here.

One other fun ferret thing I have found (also part of the Smithsonian’s National Zoo’s) is the Black Footed Ferret webcam where you can watch a live stream of the cute critter doing its thing. :)


I love winter. Yes there are things about it that I don't like but there is nothing like waking up in the morning to a fresh snow-fall. It can be breathtaking.

This year we have had more snow then we have had in a few years. I promised myself that before the snow was gone I would put it to good use and build a snowman. Last week I was driving home with my husband and I knew the conditions were perfect for snowman building. There was tons of snow and it was nice and packy. As we were pulling into the driving I turned to him and said "Let's build a Snowman!" Thinking that he would probably just want to go in after being in town for most of the day he surprised me when he said "Sure". Then it hit me. We need to make something much more then a snowman. "Let's make a Snow-Dalek!" I said. He replied...."Let's do it!"

What is a Dalek you might ask? Well it is an Alien from the BBC show Doctor Who. They basically want to Exterminate everything that isn't a Dalek, especially The Doctor himself. Now you might be thinking why a Dalek? Well simply because my husband and I LOVE Doctor Who. We have recently purchased all the seasons of the new show and have been doing mini marathons to get caught up. For some reason we both love the Dalek's even though they aren't very friendly. It is just so fun how they roam around yelling "EXTERMINATE.....EXTERMINATE". It just seemed like an obvious choice.

I honestly didn't know how to begin. Luckily Kevin had it all worked out. He grabbed a round trash can (clean of course) and started filling it up. Once we filled it up, he flipped it over and dumped out a nice round clump of snow. We then started adding more to give the Dalek it's basic shape.

Then we started adding the details. I made little half balls to place all around the body of the Dalek, while Kevin worked on the finer details. I was stumped on what we were going to do about the so called "limbs" of the Dalek, but again Kevin had it all figured out. He took sticks and then started covering them with snow and building it up and shaping them. How clever! After getting all the key pieces in we started cleaning it up, carving out finer details with a knife and cleaning up around the base so it really stood out. From start to finish it took us a little over 30 minutes to build out snow-dalek. We really would have liked to have more time on it but when we started we didn't have much light left so we had to rush through it. But even though it was a quick job we were both extremely pleased with how it turned out. We actually loved it so much that we are hoping to build another one before winter is over, when we have more time so we can really make it amazing. But for now this guy will do. :)

Monday, February 7, 2011

Photo Shoot

On the weekend Kevin and I did a little engagement photo shoot with a couple that are great friends of ours. This photo shoot was a long time in the making, we had a hard time finding a weekend that worked for all of our schedules. After many rescheduling we finally got together on Superbowl Sunday and we couldn't have asked for a better day!

It had snowed the night before so we woke up to a beautiful set-up of a fresh fluffy blanket of snow on the ground and in the trees, and the temperature was perfect, nice enough that I didn't have to wear a jacket.

We met at the couples house and headed for town.

Pam and Jordan are getting married in the Winter so they really wanted to have a winter engagement shoot. It was great because they knew somethings they really wanted and then also let us play around too so we were able to get a great mix of shots and just had fun the whole time.
Our first stop was at the Cataraqui Conservation Area where we got some great shots. There is this neat wooden bridge that crosses some water and there are tons of cat tails and tall grass along the sides that I couldn't stop taking shots there. So we went along some paths got some shots in the woods and then we headed back for the main building. Pam had this great idea for a shot where she put her ring on an icicle and then we laid it on Jordan's scarf and they turned out really neat.

After we were finished there we headed down town to get some shots with some of the snow sculptures they had set up for FebFest.
One thing that had been built out of snow and ice was the huge slide, and one part of it happened to be a double slide. How perfect is that! So Pam and Jordan hoped in line and I ran to the bottom of the slide. I couldn't believe how fast they shot out the bottom of that thing. Makes me wish I had gotten in line to go down too!

After we finished our photo shoot we headed to the Lone Star to grab a bite to eat. It was such a great day I couldn't believe how fast it went by. Pam and Jordan were so great to work with it didn't even feel like we were doing any sort of job, it was just fun, and we are so happy with the shots we got I can't wait to get them all done and back to Pam and Jordan so they can see all of them. :)