Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Things that Freak me Out

There a are a few things in life that truly freak me out. Spiders are a big one. Though I am better than I use to be, if one catches me off guard you will be sure to see me running around shuddering and making a commotion.

Another thing that freaks me out is clowns. Though I think I can pin point where my fear of spiders came from, clowns I just don't know. So if you have ever seen the movie "It" you will understand why it freaked me out so much as a child.

The last thing that creeps me out, and this one is the real reason for this post, is dolls. Now don't get my wrong, not all dolls are bad in my books, but some of them just give me the heebie jeebies. Like this little fella I came across at Value Village today. Now some of you may think he is cute, which is fine. But if I had this little guy in my room while I was sleeping, i would be keeping one eye open for sure. I think maybe it is his shifty eyes. I just don't like them.


The Web 2.0 Training Team said...

I completely understand your fear Rachael. I have an extreme dislike/fear of puppets. Dolls that talk . . . yikes! - Alice

Duck-ology said...

Hahahaha--this is so fabulous. I love the photo. Your expression says it all. I love your blog, Rachael! Cheers...JS (a fan)

Christine Adams said...

I see that you and I frequent the same shopping emporium.

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