Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Take Me out to the Ball Game

I am not a big baseball follower. I use to be, way back in the day when the Jays were in their peak in the mid 90s. Now I couldn't even tell you if they were doing well or not.
For whatever reason a couple weeks ago I got it in my head that I really wanted to go to a Blue Jays game. Kind of late in the season but luckily they had one more weekend of home games that we weren't busy so we decided to do it.

It was a beautiful Sunday, the dome was open and we were ready for a great game! Kevin had never been to a professional baseball game so I was excited to take him. Being there brought back so many old memories. We use to go to a few Jays games when I was a kid and one of my good childhood friends was a huge Jays fan too and we just so happen to share the same favourite player. Number 17, Kelly Gruber.

Boy did we ever love him. I remember one of the most memorable games we were ever at was when Kelly Gruber got a Grand Slam. The stands were packed and I am not sure if I have ever heard cheering like that before. It was so neat to be there for that and see if with our own eyes. It was magical.

Another thing that made that night so memorable was after the game we lined up outside hoping to catch a couple players for their autographs as they were leaving. We were really hoping for Kelly Gruber's. That didn't happen but we did get Mark Eichhorn and Devon Whites. The cool think about Devon Whites autograph was there was a huge crowd of people wanting autographs and when he pulled up in his car he said I will do two! Krystal and I held up our caps and those are the two he grabbed and signed before driving away.

So my heart still really lies with the old team and the old Jays logo but that didn't stop me from enjoying this one. I did however buy a Jays Ball Cap that was the same design as my old signed one.

It turned out to be a great game. We had fantastic seats on the first level right behind home plate. They were playing the Baltimore Orioles, who they had just beaten a couple days before so we were hoping for another win. The Orioles second pitcher ended up being thrown out of the game as well as the head coach. The Jays best hitter (Jose Bautista) was up to bat (he had been walked to first the last time because he was hit with the pitch) and you could tell the pitcher was throwing close to him again so he wouldn't get a good hit in. He ended up almost hitting Bautista twice and actually hitting the umpire once. He was then thrown out of the game and since the head coach argued with the ump over the call, he was thrown out as well. The game went by fairly quickly with the Jays leading the whole way. The Final score ended up being 5-2 for the Jays YAY!

It ended up being a great day. Kevin, although skeptic at first, really enjoyed it, I got myself a cap, and the Jays won! What more could you ask for. Oh right! One more thing. Getting to sing Okay, Blue Jays during the 7th inning stretch. Of course the team mascot Ace helped lead that.

You've got a diamond
You've got nine men
You've got a hat and a bat
And that's not all
You've got the bleachers
Got 'em from spring 'til fall
You got a dog and a drink
And the umpire's call
Waddaya want?
Let's play ball!

Okay (okay)
Blue Jays (Blue Jays)
Let's (Let's) Play (Play) Ball!


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