Thursday, May 5, 2011

Skit-aals is......really good.

So I have been bad and haven't really blogged in awhile. A couple months ago I was sent the following video because of my love for the TMNT. Little did I know watching this video would begin my huge obsession with this guys video's.

At first I thought, is this guy for real?? I soon learned the Keith Apicary is just one of many characters that actor Nathan Barnatt portrays. After watching this video the next couple of days I scoured the internet for more of his videos. Turns out, he has lots! Keith Apicary is one of his more well known characters and he even has panels at different gaming conventions, most of which, he gets kicked out of.

One of my other favourite characters that Barnatt does is a character called Trale Lewous who loves anything candy and is especially obsessed with Skittles, or as he calls them Skit-tals.

They are stupid and silly but they make me laugh, I think what gets me most are those horrible orange shorts he wears. I was once watching a Video where Barnatt was in his Keith Apicary persona interviewing on a red carpet for a video gaming convention and Dominic Monaghan, who played my favourtie character Charlie on Lost, was walking buy and spotted Barnett. Only knowing him as his Trale Lewous character Monaghan got really excited and told him he needed to get his picture take with him because he loved his videos. The other day when I got home I started watching a new video of one of Barnatts other characters Ray Amsley, self defense expert and I couldn't believe who was quest starring in the video. Dominic Monaghan!!!! And he plays the pervert and every time he speaks I laugh, he plays it so well.

Every time he says "I have so many Perfume" I laugh, and I don't even know why.

The thing I love about Nathan Barnatt is he plays all the goofy, geeky, loserish types characters but he is so athletic and he can pull off some crazy moves and stunts. He has done a couple video's where he just dances ridiculously in random places but you can see by some of the moves he does how athletic he actually is.

Now Nathan Barnatt can't take all the credit, though he stars in most of the videos his brothers and some close friends are a big part of the production as well and you start to recognize them in different videos. One of his brothers plays the lion in the video up above and the girl appears in some of his other videos as well.

If you liked these videos there are tons more on youtube, Barnatt has his own channel.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Just for a Smile

Today's Comic from my favourite comic strip.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Too Cute For Words

Most people that know me know that I LOVE Ferrets. I use to have three and they will forever hold a very special place in my heart.

Some days I feel the need to fill my day with ferrets. One particular day I stumbled open this cute picture of some baby Black Footed Ferrets that were born at the Smithsonian’s National Zoo’s conservation facility. It seriously melts my heart every time I look at it.

The Smithsonian Zoo has a flickr page that is full of beautiful photos of their animals. You can check out more ferret and other animals pictures here.

One other fun ferret thing I have found (also part of the Smithsonian’s National Zoo’s) is the Black Footed Ferret webcam where you can watch a live stream of the cute critter doing its thing. :)


I love winter. Yes there are things about it that I don't like but there is nothing like waking up in the morning to a fresh snow-fall. It can be breathtaking.

This year we have had more snow then we have had in a few years. I promised myself that before the snow was gone I would put it to good use and build a snowman. Last week I was driving home with my husband and I knew the conditions were perfect for snowman building. There was tons of snow and it was nice and packy. As we were pulling into the driving I turned to him and said "Let's build a Snowman!" Thinking that he would probably just want to go in after being in town for most of the day he surprised me when he said "Sure". Then it hit me. We need to make something much more then a snowman. "Let's make a Snow-Dalek!" I said. He replied...."Let's do it!"

What is a Dalek you might ask? Well it is an Alien from the BBC show Doctor Who. They basically want to Exterminate everything that isn't a Dalek, especially The Doctor himself. Now you might be thinking why a Dalek? Well simply because my husband and I LOVE Doctor Who. We have recently purchased all the seasons of the new show and have been doing mini marathons to get caught up. For some reason we both love the Dalek's even though they aren't very friendly. It is just so fun how they roam around yelling "EXTERMINATE.....EXTERMINATE". It just seemed like an obvious choice.

I honestly didn't know how to begin. Luckily Kevin had it all worked out. He grabbed a round trash can (clean of course) and started filling it up. Once we filled it up, he flipped it over and dumped out a nice round clump of snow. We then started adding more to give the Dalek it's basic shape.

Then we started adding the details. I made little half balls to place all around the body of the Dalek, while Kevin worked on the finer details. I was stumped on what we were going to do about the so called "limbs" of the Dalek, but again Kevin had it all figured out. He took sticks and then started covering them with snow and building it up and shaping them. How clever! After getting all the key pieces in we started cleaning it up, carving out finer details with a knife and cleaning up around the base so it really stood out. From start to finish it took us a little over 30 minutes to build out snow-dalek. We really would have liked to have more time on it but when we started we didn't have much light left so we had to rush through it. But even though it was a quick job we were both extremely pleased with how it turned out. We actually loved it so much that we are hoping to build another one before winter is over, when we have more time so we can really make it amazing. But for now this guy will do. :)

Monday, February 7, 2011

Photo Shoot

On the weekend Kevin and I did a little engagement photo shoot with a couple that are great friends of ours. This photo shoot was a long time in the making, we had a hard time finding a weekend that worked for all of our schedules. After many rescheduling we finally got together on Superbowl Sunday and we couldn't have asked for a better day!

It had snowed the night before so we woke up to a beautiful set-up of a fresh fluffy blanket of snow on the ground and in the trees, and the temperature was perfect, nice enough that I didn't have to wear a jacket.

We met at the couples house and headed for town.

Pam and Jordan are getting married in the Winter so they really wanted to have a winter engagement shoot. It was great because they knew somethings they really wanted and then also let us play around too so we were able to get a great mix of shots and just had fun the whole time.
Our first stop was at the Cataraqui Conservation Area where we got some great shots. There is this neat wooden bridge that crosses some water and there are tons of cat tails and tall grass along the sides that I couldn't stop taking shots there. So we went along some paths got some shots in the woods and then we headed back for the main building. Pam had this great idea for a shot where she put her ring on an icicle and then we laid it on Jordan's scarf and they turned out really neat.

After we were finished there we headed down town to get some shots with some of the snow sculptures they had set up for FebFest.
One thing that had been built out of snow and ice was the huge slide, and one part of it happened to be a double slide. How perfect is that! So Pam and Jordan hoped in line and I ran to the bottom of the slide. I couldn't believe how fast they shot out the bottom of that thing. Makes me wish I had gotten in line to go down too!

After we finished our photo shoot we headed to the Lone Star to grab a bite to eat. It was such a great day I couldn't believe how fast it went by. Pam and Jordan were so great to work with it didn't even feel like we were doing any sort of job, it was just fun, and we are so happy with the shots we got I can't wait to get them all done and back to Pam and Jordan so they can see all of them. :)

Thursday, October 28, 2010

A Day in the Life of an AT-AT

Quick post today, I saw this video and I had to share it. I have always enjoyed the Star Wars series and was always fascinated with the AT-AT. When I saw this I fell in love all over again.

AT-AT day afternoon from Patrick Boivin on Vimeo.

For more great videos by Patrick Boivin go here

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Coolest Thing on 4 Wheels

A friend sent this to me the other day and I just had to share it. When thinking about the possible future vehicles I might drive when I get older I never really thought I would get a Van. That being said if I ever had a Van like this one I would drive it, and I would be proud.

A 23 year old girl took a 94 Dodge Caravan and turned it into a replica of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle's Van from the 1984 cartoon. How sweet is that!

The girl that turned this Van into a mean, green, foot fighting machine didn't have a huge cash flow. She was a girl going to school with an ordinary job who slowly put this thing together.

The only thing that is really different between this Van and the Turtles Van is the original was a Volkswagen and this one is a Dodge but she claimed the parts for a Dodge were much easier to come by.

For the full story and more photos check it out here.

Or check out Brittney's Blog here

Totally Awesome!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Take Me out to the Ball Game

I am not a big baseball follower. I use to be, way back in the day when the Jays were in their peak in the mid 90s. Now I couldn't even tell you if they were doing well or not.
For whatever reason a couple weeks ago I got it in my head that I really wanted to go to a Blue Jays game. Kind of late in the season but luckily they had one more weekend of home games that we weren't busy so we decided to do it.

It was a beautiful Sunday, the dome was open and we were ready for a great game! Kevin had never been to a professional baseball game so I was excited to take him. Being there brought back so many old memories. We use to go to a few Jays games when I was a kid and one of my good childhood friends was a huge Jays fan too and we just so happen to share the same favourite player. Number 17, Kelly Gruber.

Boy did we ever love him. I remember one of the most memorable games we were ever at was when Kelly Gruber got a Grand Slam. The stands were packed and I am not sure if I have ever heard cheering like that before. It was so neat to be there for that and see if with our own eyes. It was magical.

Another thing that made that night so memorable was after the game we lined up outside hoping to catch a couple players for their autographs as they were leaving. We were really hoping for Kelly Gruber's. That didn't happen but we did get Mark Eichhorn and Devon Whites. The cool think about Devon Whites autograph was there was a huge crowd of people wanting autographs and when he pulled up in his car he said I will do two! Krystal and I held up our caps and those are the two he grabbed and signed before driving away.

So my heart still really lies with the old team and the old Jays logo but that didn't stop me from enjoying this one. I did however buy a Jays Ball Cap that was the same design as my old signed one.

It turned out to be a great game. We had fantastic seats on the first level right behind home plate. They were playing the Baltimore Orioles, who they had just beaten a couple days before so we were hoping for another win. The Orioles second pitcher ended up being thrown out of the game as well as the head coach. The Jays best hitter (Jose Bautista) was up to bat (he had been walked to first the last time because he was hit with the pitch) and you could tell the pitcher was throwing close to him again so he wouldn't get a good hit in. He ended up almost hitting Bautista twice and actually hitting the umpire once. He was then thrown out of the game and since the head coach argued with the ump over the call, he was thrown out as well. The game went by fairly quickly with the Jays leading the whole way. The Final score ended up being 5-2 for the Jays YAY!

It ended up being a great day. Kevin, although skeptic at first, really enjoyed it, I got myself a cap, and the Jays won! What more could you ask for. Oh right! One more thing. Getting to sing Okay, Blue Jays during the 7th inning stretch. Of course the team mascot Ace helped lead that.

You've got a diamond
You've got nine men
You've got a hat and a bat
And that's not all
You've got the bleachers
Got 'em from spring 'til fall
You got a dog and a drink
And the umpire's call
Waddaya want?
Let's play ball!

Okay (okay)
Blue Jays (Blue Jays)
Let's (Let's) Play (Play) Ball!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Canada's Wonderland

I can't think of a better way to end the summer then a trip to Canada's Wonderland. We had been trying to find a time all summer that would work for a bunch of us to go and the only time was a weekend in September. The weather was cool but it was still a great day.

There were 8 of us that went. Four came from the Sudbury area and four from Kingston. We left Kingston at 6:30a.m and made great time. We got there about 45min before the park opened. Our Sudbury companions were running a little late so we decided to hit up a few rides while we were waiting for them. The first ride we decided to go on was there newest and biggest roller-coaster Behemoth.

It was a great way to start the day. Then we hopped on a couple smaller rides with short lines. On Sledge Hammer I was able to hold my camera and take a couple pictures of my friends sitting across from me.

When we got the word that our Sudbury crew had arrived we headed back to the entrance to meet them. While we were waiting to meet them we stumbled open a new friend :)


You might be wondering about the cheerful backdrop of this picture. Not your usually snoopy setting. But Every year in October Canada's Wonderland transforms their park into a Haunted theme park and they keep the park open late on weekends for a fun and frightening Wonderland experience.

After our crew was together we decided to head back to Behemoth so the others could ride it. One of the great things about the big roller-coasters is they take your photo while you are riding it. Since some of us had already ridden it we knew just where the camera's were so we made the most of it!

I just had to buy this photo because so many of our group was in it. (Top Left - Emily, Top Right - Al, Middle Left - Julie, Middle Right - Me, Bottom Left - Liz and Bottom Right - Jenn)

We then went on to ride a bunch of more rides. Part of the day our group broke off a bit to go to different parts of the park but for one ride we had to re-group and ride together.

Jet Scream
Why this ride you might ask? Well my friend Emily has trouble with this ride. She loves going on it but at the point that you are upside down she has this uncontrollable scream. Yes lots of people scream on rides but this scream is different. She can't control it even if she tires and it is one of the loudest, shrill screams I have ever heard and it makes me laugh every time.

It was a great day full of new and old friends, laughs, screams and great rides!

For some laughs check out these great funny ride photos.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Kung Fu Bear

I don't really have much to say today, just a video to share. I was at the theater last week and during the pre-movie show they played part of a youtube video. It makes me laugh every time I watch it.


Monday, July 26, 2010

Summer of Love

This Summer is the busiest summer for Weddings I have ever experienced, and I love it! There are 4 weddings in total 3 of which happen in July (two have already passed). The first wedding we went to was on July 10. I was really looking forward to this wedding because the brides sister is a really close friend of mine that lives in Sudbury so I don't get to see her often. The wedding took place at Loyalist Golf and Country Club. The ceremony was a beautiful. It took place outside and the weather was perfect for it. I loved watching this ceremony because the Bride and Groom looked so happy.
Through the entire ceremony they were both beaming at each other and you could really tell they were just enjoying the moment.

I had never been to an entire wedding at Loyalist before, only a reception. I loved the ceremony outside. The girls walked from the club house, up the aisle, across the front row and then walked across a small bridge to get to the center where the groom was standing. It made things a little different then your usual straight walk up the aisle.

Another nice thing about Loyalist is even though you have a couple hours to wait between the ceremony and reception there is a nice patio you can sit at and have a drink or you can even grab a golf club and hit a couple balls at the driving range.

One of the things Kevin and I love most about weddings is the dance. We have been know to bust a move when the mood strikes. At this particular wedding the music was great and so was the crowd. I wouldn't say the dance floor was packed but the people that were on it were so fun and it was easy to get our groove on with them.

Our second wedding in July was on the 17th. This one was a little different for me because I was a bridesmaid! It was my cousins wedding and we have been very close growing up so I was honoured and thrilled when she asked me to be in the wedding.

The wedding was in Cobourg so my mom and I drove up on the Friday for the rehearsal and to help out with anything else that needed to be done before Saturday. The ceremony was in a chapel but the reception was in a tent at the grooms parents house and the weather forecast wasn't looking good for Saturday. It was calling for rain and thunderstorms.

All the girls stayed a this great bed in breakfast the night before and in the morning after breakfast the hair and makeup crew were coming to get us ready. It is so nice to be able to wake up and not have to touch our hair or makeup in the morning because you know it is going to be done for you. I wish I could have that every day. The make-up artist even put fake eyelashes on us so I really felt like a star.

After we were all done up and in our dresses we went outside for pictures. We were all in different black dresses but all had matching red heels. They were so cute but a challenge to walk in the grass. By the time we were done we had given that grass some pretty good airigation.

The church had one of the longest aisle I have ever seen. Very scary for girls walking in heels in front of over 200 people, but I did it! The ceremony was beautiful and very spiritual. There was a duet by two friends of the bride and groom the two sounded amazing together, it gave me chills.

Unfortunately the chapel was extremely warm and one of the other bridesmaids fainted part way through the service. Luckily, the brides brother was standing next to her and caught her before she fell. Now I mentioned that we were worried about the weather but things work out okay. Yes we had about 10 minutes of torrential rain and hail with high winds, but it all happened while we were cozy inside the chapel for the ceremony. By the time the service was over and we made our way outside it was beautiful out again.

We had some more pictures taken outside with the whole wedding party and then we headed to the house for the reception. This reception was beautiful! The tent was HUGE and the poles that were holding the tent up were covered with huge branches so it looked like there were big trees in the tent with jewels hanging off it.

The meal was fabulous, the speeches touching, and the band was amazing! It was the first wedding I had been to where it was a live band instead of a DJ and I was blown away, they would go from oldies like "Do the Twist" to some Lady Gaga or Black Eyed Peas and they could pull it off. That dance was hoppin, the dance floor was packed, at one point we had the limbo going, the two lines and couples took turns dancing down the center. It was fantastic! A truly wonderful day, and the best part was watching two very special people make the commitment of a lifetime.

And that's not the end! On July 31st we have another wedding to go to in Cornwall and then on Sept. 4th I am in another wedding. I think it is going to be one, awesome summer!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Julie & Dave

I believe I have expressed my love of photography before but it is not very often that I get to go out with my camera for the soul purpose of taking photos.

Last weekend I finally got that chance. Friends of mine are getting married in September and they wanted me to take some pictures of them. I was a little nervous because I haven't actually gone out on a shoot since, well, College! Yikes!

I took them to Lemoine Point Conservation Area and I must say, I had a great time! It felt good to be back behind my camera again.

Here are a few of the pictures I took of them.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Discovering My Green Thumb

It may seem a little premature to be talking about Halloween but it really is the thing that triggered a new interest for me.

Around Halloween about six or seven years ago I decided I would try and carve Scooby-Doo on a pumpkin. It was a little more advanced then my usual triangle eyes with a jagged mouthed Jack-O-Lantern.

The kids that came to our house loved my Scooby-Doo pumpkin so the next year I thought I would try something else so I did Dori from Finding Nemo and the response was great! Not only did we have the same kids coming back to look at the pumpkins, but they were bringing their parents up to see them too! Thus a tradition was born.

Every year kids would come back to see the pumpkins and the parents came up right behind them.

About four years ago I was in Michaels and discovered that they sold fake pumpkins that you can carve, so I bought one to try and was very happy with the results. You can carve it like a normal pumpkin, but can keep it year after year.

So now every year, I carve one or two real pumpkins and then carve at least one fake one.

Now what does all of this have to do with discovering my green thumb? Well this year I thought I would take it one step further and grow my own pumpkins this year. Little did I know that would spark something in me that I didn't know existed. My green thumb!

I have never been good with plants, so I wasn't sure how I would do or even how to start. I decided I would buy some different types of Pumpkin seeds and see how they did. That way I would know what kind to grow next year. I also bought two pumpkin plants that were already started so I could see which way I liked best.

On the May long weekend I built a garden and planted my pumpkins and have been watching them grow! After about a month they have spread and there flowers are even starting to bloom!

Taking care of this pumpkin patch has been so much fun for me, I love going out and watering them, and I even enjoying weeding. I have already made plans for expanding my garden next year and adding more vegetables. I have even taken some pots and planted some flowers around our deck.

I am still learning, planting one garden has in no way made me an expert, but I look forward to learning more and planting more in the future!

Just for fun, if you are looking for some fun pumpkin carving ideas I suggest checking out Zombie Pumpkins! They have fantastic patterns of some well know characters both lovable and scary.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Turtle Power!

As I have mentioned earlier. I am a HUGE Ninja Turtle fan. I also mentioned that Sideshow Collectibles was making statues of the 4 Turtles. I am very excited because the 4 statues have been made, thought they haven't all been released yet. I thought I would post the pictures of the statues because they are really cool.

What came as a surprise to me was sideshow has made a 5th statue that will be a San Diego Comic-Con exclusive. The statue is of a Mouser which is a robot that Baxter Stockman created to originally catch mice but Shredder then took them to fight against the Turtles.

Luckily just because it is a Comic-Con exclusive, doesn't mean you have to go to San Diego to get it. You can still order them from the Sideshow website. Which is totally awesome!